A trio of portraits from the back bed
And that's all that this bone-weary gardener has the energy for today.
A gardening blog that I hope will be informative and useful, not just a simple report of what I plant when. Please feel free to comment, question, disagree, enlighten and share your experiences. My garden is in USDA Zone 4a and is contained in a tiny townhouse lot, which I am cramming as full as I can. Bookmark the page and come visit again! Or subscribe to either the live feed or the email service.
8:34 pm
Sundrops - I learn each day a new word. I have them also in the garden.
Rozanne is a beautiful geranium.
Sundrops are also called evening primroses, which I find a silly and inappropriate name, so I use sundrops instead. Oenothera acaulis, on the other hand, actually does open in the evening, but I don't think the whole genus should get saddled with the name.
Aha, now I know everything! How good, to have an englisch speeking teacher!
Sigrun :-))
I can't wait to see the Meadow Rue in bloom! I just planted one this spring, it's still pretty wimpy though!
Charlotte, mine didn't flower the first year. This will be its debut performance for me and I can hardly wait!
Sigrun, I spent too much time teaching. It has become something of a compulsive habit. If I know something, I want to tell somebody.
Well, the Lavender Mist turned out to be yellow mist... Not quite the same.
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